Saturday, June 7, 2008

DAY 3: Requiem

Today I am going to discuss something that may seem like not that big of a deal, and the truth is, it really isn't, however it just ticks me off. The tagline to the new film "Get Smart" starring Steve Carrell is "Saving the world...and loving it."

Now I am no Hollywood guru (although I claim to be) but it seems to me like this tagline is the blandest, most uncreative, non-descriptive tagline for a movie since "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: "Cowabunga, it's the new turtle movie!" This tagline could be attached to any spy/superhero movie and brings absolutely nothing to mind about the character, story or genre of the film. It could have been the tagline to Austin Powers or even Superman for godsakes. Doesnt Superman save the world...and love to do so? I would assume he likes doing it...he doesn't really have to save the world. He could be out getting laid or just chilling in his fortress of solitude. BY THE WAY---That would make a funny episode of Cribs--Yo what up MTV! Here's my favorite memory crystal--I use it to access interactive holographic recordings of my pops, the dead Kryptonian scientist Jor-El! Here is my Scarface bedspread...

Taglines are supposed to be witty one liners that tell you a little about the movie and kind of get you excited for it. For example, for the movie "Alien" the tagline was "In Space, no one can hear you scream." And for the movie, "This is Spinal Tap", the tagline was “Does for rock and roll what “The Sound of Music” did for hills.” What does "Saving the World...and loving it" tell us, the movie going public? Nothing, other than its a spy movie. Anyway, the point is---Hollywood, come up with better movie taglines. Readers, feel free to post your own favorite taglines in the comments!

TODAY I will make a slight variation on the ACTORS WHO ARE THE SAME as one actor is slightly older than the other, but the resemblance and character types remain uncanny nonetheless.


Tim Matheson has always played really hot, manipulative, charismatic guys, starting with his role as Otter in "Animal House." Rob Lowe has also always played really hot, manipulative charismatic guys, starting with his role as Sodapop in "The Outsiders." Rob Lowe played Chris Farley's brother in "Tommy Boy." Tim Matheson played Chris Farley's brother in "Black Sheep." Both of them have made really shitty movies and starred in really shitty TV shows until 1999, when they BOTH (a rarity for ACTORS WHO ARE THE SAME) took starring roles on "The West Wing." Granted, Rob Lowe had a bigger part, but if Tim Matheson was a little younger, he would have played Sam Seaborn (and vice versa with Rob Lowe being a shoe in to play Vice President Hoynes.) Now they both are making shitty straight to DVD movies. Rob Lowe stars in "Stir of Echoes 2: The Homecoming" (did anyone see/hear of Stir of Echoes 1?) and Tim Matheson stars in Behind Enemy Lines 3: Ghost Watch (did anyone see/hear of Behind Enemy Lines 2?)

It seems as if it werent for the fact that Tim Matheson was born 17 years before Rob Lowe, these two actors might as well have been separated at birth. The good news for Rob Lowe is that if Tim Matheson's career is any indicator, he'll still have work to do, at least for another 17 years.


Unknown said...

This summer, go blonde!

Wild Willis said...

First off, YES. I've actually thought about that tagline way more than I should have (there's a poster that I pass everyday going to work), and it pisses me off. I totally agree on all points presented.

Second, the bit about Superman was gold, GOLD I TELL YA!

1. Come to Kazakhstan, It's Nice!
2. 3% Body Fat. 1% Brain Activity.
3. An Adventure 65 Million Years In The Making

P.S. I have heard of Stir of Echoes 1, being the huge Kevin Bacon fan that I am, but alas I haven't seen it.

Anonymous said...

You are so fucking right about Tim Matheson/Rob Lowe. I had never even thought of that. Good work, wonder boy.

Rena said...

hahaha this is hilarious! i loved the bit about cribs and superman!

Rena said...

and the entire concept of the actors who are the same thing is hilarious. all have been dead on so far!!! especially this one-- with their quick talking sarcasm and boyish charm. also- love the scarface blanket. and reference to kundun.