Friday, June 6, 2008

DAY 2--The Reckoning

Increasingly Loyal Readers (I'm looking at you Willi$...or should I say Sir Willi$ of Nottingham),
Today I will share with you something that has been circulating in the world--

It appears that "Hulk" and "American History X" star Edward Norton is a HUGE asshole. Yea, a lot of people hate him and think hes a pretentious sonofabitch. When I first heard this, I will admit, I was shocked. The guy who played a Neo-Nazi so convincingly in AMX is actually kind of a douchebag? It cant be! But it is. Apparently he is really hard to work with, obsessed with the fact that he has YALE degree (but then again, who with a Yale degree isn't obsessed with their Yale degree?) and thinks hes better than everyone.

Now I think that Ed Norton is a particularly fine actor--he was superb in his first film "Primal Fear" where he played a pastor boy with a dual personality convicted of murder (ps. you know who else is great in that flick....RICHARD GERE! Reowr! The Silver Fox himself! Meow! Purrrr! Purrrr!), he was equally superb in the film, "Fight Club" where he played an office employee with a dual personality, and I am assuming he will be great in "The Incredible Hulk" where he will play a scientist guessed it---a dual personality.

But despite these memorable performances, its still dick of Ed Norton to be a huge d-bag all the time. I don't care how big of an "artist" you are--you never hear any stories about Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren or Leo DiCaprio being assholes, and they are all many times honored and celebrated actresses. (I take it back Leo, you havent been an actress since you made "The Departed." You were truly badass in that). I dont care if you did direct "Keeping the Faith!" Working with Jenna "Dharma and Greg" Elfman does not give you the right to act like you are the most intellectually advanced actor of your time. So SUCK ON THAT.

To wrap of this rant, I will conclude to say that from what I heard, you wont like Ed Norton when he's angry....or anytime really.

Now lets move on to the ACTORS WHO ARE THE SAME part of the blog. Today I give you:

With some exceptions (Brian Cox chooses to sometimes take the lets say....lower brow parts...."Super Troopers" anyone?), these two actors have in recent years become seemingly interchangeable.

For example, in "The Bourne Identity" and "The Bourne Supremacy," Brian Cox played the part of Ward Abbot, the no nonsense government employee, who's been around the block for a long time, holds many secrets and is too old to give them away without a fight. In "The Bourne Ultimatum," Albert Finney plays Dr. Albert Hirsch, a no nonsense government employee who's been around the block for a long time, and is too old to give them away without a fight. These two actors could have easily swapped roles and no one would have noticed. Just as Albert Finney could have played Doctor Melvin Belli in "Zodiac" and no one would have noticed, and just as Brian Cox could have played, Ed Masry in "Erin Brockovich" and no one would have really cared. The only difference that is Albert Finney is from England where Brian Cox sometimes puts on a pretend British accent (case in point-"Match Point"). So if you are ever playing the movie game with a friend and are thinking to yourself, "whose that old white guy with slicked back gray hair who is kinda hefty and tends to play doctors (Imdb it if you don't believe me) or just old patriarchal figures in general--I would say either of these guys would be a safe choice. Until tomorrow--


Anonymous said...

Edward Norton demands final cut approval privilege on all his films, which has earned him a reputation as being "difficult." That's why Tony Kaye tried to get his name taken off "American History X" -- as legend goes, Eddie came in during post production and re-edited the movie his way. I wonder if he pulled that shit on "Fight Club" -- that must have pissed off the OCD headcase that is David Fincher (I have to stop myself, I sound like Billy Bush at a premiere).

I wouldn't go so far as to call all Yale alums assholes. You forget that Yale is also the alma matter of nebbish character actor Paul Giamatti, a real mensch, and quasi-nebbish character actor Ron Livingston, an Honorary Gentile.

As for your Brian Cox/Albert Finney doppelganger theory: you hit the nail right on the head. On the other hand, can you see Brian Cox as the curmudgeonly father in "Big Fish," or Albert Finney as the screenwriting guru in "Adaptation"? You can? Me too. I wonder if they double-date with Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman.

Wild Willis said...

You caught me, you scoundrel. I could totally feel your eyes upon me as I read the first titillating lines of today's entry.

Well, I'm sold on this "blog" thing, it sounds great! To be honest, I think I might go and start my own blog to chronicle my own adventures at the zoo. But I don't know if I could come up with such a well-thought-of and applicable title. Good job, sir.

Wild Willis said...

Oh, by the way, citizenark forgot about Paul Giamatti's mold-breaking role as a bad-ass assassin in Shoot 'Em Up. For the most part, however, I think he's got him pretty well-pegged.

bWalsh said...

hollywood! love reading the blog, man. keep it up! btw when they brought in finney for the third bourne i was thoroughly confused for a good half hour.