Then much to my surprise, in 2000 "Scary Movie" from the Wayans Bros came out, revitalizing the parody genre. It was good. Clever, funny and fresh. It wasnt on the status of "Ai

In the new Disaster Movie trailer, there are 6 clips. The first--A guy dressed up in an Iron Man Halloween costume getting smashed by a cow. Second- Hannah Montana getting crushed by a meteor, Third- The Hulk's shorts getting ripped off. Fourth--The princess from Enchanted getting hit by a bus. Fifth- Hancock flying up from a park bench, hitting his head on a pole. Last- a cross dressed Sarah Jessica Parker getting kicked in the face by Juno ala Dont Mess With the Zohan.
What is funny about ANY of these gags? NOTHING. One rule in comedy, is you cant make fun of something that doesnt take itself seriously. You cant parody Airplane, because it is already a parody of other things. Hancock is a parody of other superheroes, so making fun of it is redundant. Enchanted makes fun of Disney princesses. She almost gets hit by a bus in that movie. Having her get hit by a bus in this movie is stupid. Another thing is that Airplane and all of those movies were funny because they have serious actors in it. Leslie Nielsen was a serious actor before he made Airplane. Peter Graves was a serious actor. When you cast straight up comedians/shitty actors in parts, they probably wont be as funny.
I guess I'm just frustrated at the lack of creativity with Friedberg and Seltzer. They have been given the keys to a Hollywood franchise where they can really be funny and cutting edge and instead all they can do is do people getting hit on the head by things. Fuck You Friedberg and Seltzer. You're not funny and you're shitting on great opportunities for comedy.
PS-Some of my favorite comedy parody movies (in no particular order)
1. Airplane
2. Naked Gun (1+2)
3. Top Secret
4. Wrongfully Accused
5. Kentucky Fried Movie
ANYWHOZELBEES--SEE OH ARE WHY (Cory) brought this up a long time ago, but doesnt Luigi's life suck? His whole job is to be a plumber and put himself in life threatening positions to save his brother's girlfriend. This guy's self esteem must be really really low.
Short post I know, but Until tomorrow--
I won't lie, I'm a serious fan of Scary Movie 3 (strangely enough, the only iteration that I approve of) but I definitely see where you're coming from.
I think that the strategy modern pop-comic writers are taking is "Never give the audience too much credit." The humor in these movies is playing to an audience that can't handle a interesting, intelligent joke, whereas Airplane is extremely witty and has multiple levels of humor that are always going nonstop. That's part of what makes that movie so memorable.
This post was full of genius. Not that your other posts aren't, but this one was stuffed to the brim. Not but two days ago I watched Scary Movie 4 for the first time while trying to fall asleep and kept asking myself whether or not Scary Movie (one) was funny, or if I was just stupid when I saw it. Thanks for clearing that up.
And sadly the Wii games haven't done much for Luigi. I favorite gag in Super Mario Galaxy was having Luigi run off to "help you find stars" only to be trapped in cages on various planet and sending you post cards about his entrapment.
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