Poor Melissa Joan Hart. If "Clarissa Explains it All" had come out 15 years later she would be the biggest thing on the planet! The way celebrities, especially child celebrities, get exposure nowadays, the "system" would have given her a record contract in the show's 2nd season, they would have released Clarissa fashion line, Clarissa jewelry, Clarissa bed sheets, backpacks, lunch boxes, contraceptive devices etc. Especially since Clarissa's character had a very unique style of dress; the grungy-tomboy-funk-denim-neon look. They probably would have even had Clarissa voice boxes where you could press a button and hear the "Sam slamming his ladder against Clarissa's window guitar twang." The only Clarissa merchandise I can think of was the Clarissa Explains it All Board Game, but in those days (unlike now) everything had a board game. I think I played a Full House board game, an Are You Afraid of the Dark board game (with pictures of Elisha Cuthbert that I would have abused back then had I known the awesome secrets of my own male anatomy) and even an Secret World of Alex Mack board game. SNICK ruled.
Side note--How come we dont play board games anymore and everything ha

s to be a DVD board game? And dont say, "video games" because we had those back then too and we still had time to throw down the "Jesse and the Rippers Card" and go ahead three spaces. Some of my favorite memories as a child was playing "Life." When you played that game, the best career was clearly the policeman because whenever someone spun a 10 you got like 5 grand. I cant remember a time when I didnt at least try and cheat to get that career.
BACK TO BUSINESS- Clarissa was the original Lizzie McGuire. With her fantasy sequences, wacky family, good male friend, annoying younger brother, and unique perspective on Middle School/High School, she really set the precedent for all future tweenager shows. Think about it. She even had the token ethnic girl friend. That show was quality. Pure quality.
Anyway lets talk about movies I like that I dont think anyone else does.
1. The Power Rangers Movie. I could watch that movie over and over

again, and not just to be nostalgic, but to actually watch the sky-diving to Red Hot Chilli Peppers music, the combat scenes of the rangers fighting the ooze guys in the construction site to a song with the lyrics, "action boy now, action girl now," and to feel the palpable sexual tension between Tommy and Kimberly. I also love watching the rangers get new zords and the power of the ninjetti, and seeing Zordon get brought back to life from Kimberley's tears. In terms of adapting a television show to a movie--what more could you want? New villain, new zords, a much bigger budget, higher stakes! The whole movie makes me very very happy.
2. Josie and the Pussycats- No one likes this movie and I th

ink its great. It's very funny AND it has something to say about MTV/Consumer culture/Corporations control everything. I like the look of the movie too, with ads placed in the movie as an ironic jab at the whole movie's anti-advertising message. The music is great, Parker Posey's dialogue and awkwardness were perfect and the whole opening scene with the band, "Du Jour" starring Seth Green, Donald Faison, Brecking Meyer etc is gut-busting. The whole, "stop doing my face" "du jour means teamwork, du jour means seatbelts" exchange is inspired. I give it two thumbs up.
3. Mystery Men. Now maybe people like this movie, but I dont think many people saw it. I think the Blue Raja is very funny, as is Dane Cook's Waffler, as is Kel Mitchell's invisible man, as is the banter between Ben Stiller and Jeneane Garofolo, as is Geoffrey Rush's pinkie finger nail attack, as is Eddie Izzard's disco assassin. The whole movie in my mind is very funny and unique and clever and cool. Mr. Furious is a hero and yes, getting super angry is a power.
4. T

enacious D and the Pick of Destiny. I love Tenacious D. From the first time I heard the song "Fuck Her Gently" when I was in 8th grade and Jack Black wasnt that famous, I was in awe. I liked them so much that my dad even started looking them up and one day asked me what a "Cleveland Steamer" was. No one I know (except for Mike Lefemine) saw this movie in theaters. I dont get it. People love Jack Black and most people love Tenacious D. I guess his fan base though isnt one to get off their couches and see the movie. I do admit the movie isnt perfect, and does have some slow moments, but the music is great, especially the grand finale song versus Satan, and for the most part the situations they get it are very very funny. Tim Robbins' and Amy Poehler's cameos are also very clutch. I enjoy this movie with or without herbal supplements and that is saying a lot.
In terms of Hollywood send up movies that I dont think did very well at the box office:
1. Bowfinge

r- Steve Martin is a genius. For those who dont know, this picture is about a delusional, unsuccessful director trying to make a movie called "Chubby Rain" starring international action star, KIT Ramsey (played by Eddie Murphy who is actually very funny in this). The only problem is he cant get KIT to be in it, so they try and film the movie with him, but without him knowing that he is in it. This film has a great cast filled with the likes of Christine Baranski, Heather Graham (really fucking hot in this movie), Robert Downey Jr, Terrence Stamp as the leader of a Scientology skewing cult called, "Mindhead," and more make this picture a must see for anyone who likes laughing at Hollywood and for anyone who likes Steve Martin's silly, ridiculous, yet intellectual sense of humor.*
2. Big Fat Liar- Not as good as Bowfinger but Paul Giamatti delivers a hilarious performance as a studio exec who steals Frankie Muniz's story and makes it into a movie. Amanda Bynes is great in this too, and so is...one of my favs...Donald Faison. I liked this when it came out and I like it now.
I have more, but I am going to save them for later.
Until Tomorrow--
*Ed Note: When writing this paragraph originally I was going to include that it was directed by Frank Oz, the voice of Yoda, Fozzie Bear etc (as Stephi Blank brilliantly pointed out in her comments) however I thought that that the fact that the director is a voice over god would detract from my point that this is a great movie. But after further thought--Frank Oz is an awesome director and the fact that he is the voice of Grover makes him cooler. The movies he has directed (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, What About Bob, In and Out etc) have mostly been excellent. So yea. Go Frank Oz!
Quality post. I still have the Are You Afraid of the Dark? board game in my room, love Mystery Men and the (original) Power Rangers movie, and to be honest, Josie and the Pussycats is one of my favorite movies.
I quote it constantly and put 'Three Small Words' on a mix CD just two weeks ago!
Also: my dad and I try to out-Sphinx each other all the time with that "Do you control your rage, or do you let the rage control YOU?" shit.
Loved everything mentioned in this post. Kudos sir!
I really like Mystery Men and I knew the entire Power Rangers movie scene by scene at one point.
And that's a great point about board games... I distinctly remember playing the Dennis the Menace board game over and over again. Not to mention Pokemon Master Trainer (I tip my hat to you, Cory).
You're gonna love this, too: Whenever I played Life, I would cheat my ass off to get the one accomplishment that said that "You discovered a new species." I guess I really DO love animals...
Donald Faison is AMAZING!! Murray in "clueless", the drummer guy with the hat in "Can't Hardly Wait," his brief stint on "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" and, probs my fave, when he plays the jerk/ ridiculous black kid Petey in "Remember the Titans"- the guy is so versatile! So mad props, eth, on the under-represented roles of Donald Faison--- he is not just turk, he is so much more!!
Also--- totally had the Full House Board game. And, "Bowfinger" is directed by Fank Oz... you can't go wrong with a movie from the genius of Bert/ Miss Piggy/ Grover/ Cookie Monster/ Fozzie Bear/Animal.... and YODA!!!! (probably missing some there, but those were the ones I remembered)...
truly enjoyed this post, ethan!
If you couldnt tell, I also very much love Donald Faison. You really hit the nail on the head, although Petey isnt my favorite role of his. I still think Murray is his best.
Also, in reference to the title of this post, that's a very interesting superhero title. What would your powers be? Probably something like... The ability to control the media? You make it too easy, Ethan.
Also the word verification I had to type to post this was "pwndio". Just thought that was funny.
Josie and the Pussycats is AMAZING. One of the few times I've found Tara Reid funny and the last time Rachel Leigh Cook was in a movie people still talk about. Rosario Dawson too! Ballerific! I said it the first time I saw this movie (with all the girls in my seventh grade class) and I'll say it again: I honestly don't understand how anyone could not like that movie.
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