Alright, I promise that was the last Weird Al related post you'll see for a while. Today I am going to discuss 6 actors who wish they had
Shia LeBeouf's career. All of these actors were also child actors that you remember from your youth, but actors who have yet successfully made the leap into adult
1. David Gallagher-- He played Simon Camden for ten years on 7
th Heaven, was the main tyke in

"Look Who's Talking Now," played Richie Rich in a straight to DVD movie, and now is doing more straight to DVD shit like "
Boogeyman 2" and (I swear to God) "
Freakin Zombies, Man!" I
dont feel bad for him, because he is making fuck loads of residuals off of 219 episodes of 7
th Heaven that rerun every day on different networks, but I do feel bad that the guy
hasnt gotten any real work since his days as the preacher's son. On the other hand, his acting was pretty shitty in the later years (some of his crying scenes after accidentally killing a
druggy were ridiculously bad). I predict he'll be mulling around playing guest roles on TV shows for the next 5 years, and then try and do stuff behind the camera.

. Michael
Angarano--You may know him from his roles as Jack's son on Will and Grace, the starring role in "The," Young Red Pollard in "
Seabiscuit," or most recently his roles in "Sky High" and "The Forbidden Kingdom." This guy is clearly getting a lot of work. He does indies much more than he does studio pictures, but you bet your ass he tried out for, and wanted the part of Sam in "Transformers." He has the same kind of skinny guy, geeky charm that
Shia has, but in my opinion he
doesnt have the funniness. He also
doesnt have that chaotic, eccentric spark that
Shia showed in "Even Stevens" and for instance, "I Robot." Michael does have acting chops though, and a promising career, but just not one where he will get top billing or get cast in an Indiana Jones flick.
3. Ryan
Merriman-- You may know him from his Disney Channel Original Movies, "Smart

House," "Luck of the Irish," and "Ring of Endless Light." Most recently you may have seen him in "The Ring Two" or "Final Destination 3." He also had a promising young career as he was handsome, earnest and athletic. But frankly he has never really gotten a chance to display real acting chops. Now it looks like he is being very active, filming parts in TV shows, miniseries' and movies, so hopefully he will rise the ranks of former child actors. You can also bet from his "horror genre" experience that he wanted the starring role in "
Disturbia," but I guess he also just
doesn't have that "
Shia spark."
4. Andy

Lawrence--The youngest Lawrence brother started out his career as the silliest brother on "Brotherly Love" (a show with a great theme song bee
tee dubs). He then graduated to roles in the Disney Channel original movies "Horse Sense," "The Other Me," "Jumping Ship," and "Going to the Mat." He also voiced Mikey on "Recess." He has had a decent career in terms of work load, but as of late, the work is scarce and limited to just guest appearances on television shows, or series that get canceled. He definitely had that silly spark, and he is a good looking guy, but I guess the "Lawrence" surname has given him a stigma that will never make anyone take him seriously ever. I predict more Disney movies.

. Trevor Morgan-- Started as the geek/cool dude in the Disney Channel movie, "Genius." Later he got some roles as the "cool kid/asshole" in "Barney's Great Adventure" (Ironic no?), then as the "cool kid/asshole" in "The Sixth Sense." He started just playing the geek in movies like "Jurassic Park III" and "The Glass House." but then kept reverting back to that "cool kid/asshole" role in films like
HBO's "Empire Falls" and "Mean Creek."Now he is doing guest roles on TV shows, but unless he can escape that "cool guy/asshole" persona (it
didnt get him the role in Indiana Jones 4) and try stretching a little bit, I just
dont see his career being great. He also is kind of an ugly dude.
6. Bug Ha

ll-- You definitely remember him as the adorable "Alfalfa" in The Little Rascals. You might remember him as one of The Stupids in "The Stupids." I doubt you remember him being the lead in the Disney movie, "Safety Patrol" (which had a cameo by Weird Al--last one I promise!) But
thats it. His career has slowed down and the last semi-memorable performance of his was acting opposite the most likely coked up Lindsay
Lohan in the Disney Channel Original Movie, "Get a Clue." Now he also has reverted to guest star roles on TV shows. In his youth he definitely had the charm and quirkiness of a
Shia LeBeouf, but I guess he just
doesnt have it anymore. He also has the name "Bug" which is really stupid.
Thats the six I've come up with so far. What did
Shia do right? Well he immediately tried to escape his "Louis Stevens" character on Even Stevens (in my opinion, the funniest/best show ever on The Disney Channel) by playing a retard in a TV movie. He pulled it off very well. Then he decided to ditch Disney (something the Lawrence bros. have yet to do) and be a real actor. He did a great job in Holes (a movie Frankie
Muniz passed up to do the god-awful "Cody Banks" flicks--glad that worked out for him...), and balanced doing bit parts in studio flicks like "I Robot" and "Constantine," with big parts in indies like "The Battle of Shaker Heights" and "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints" (a flick, that as i mentioned before, is very worth your time). The fact that he
hasnt really done anything that stupid in his personal life (other than that drunken appearance at a Walgreens at 2 in the morning) helps. He's also, truth be told, a very good actor. I am actually very much looking forward to "Eagle Eye." Check out the trailer, its sick!
OH! By the way I left off one guy who was jealous of
Shia LeBeouf's career.....
Even Stevens WAS my life growing up. I was Louis, the funny
nudnik who

always got in trouble and liked comedy. My older sister Rena was
Ren (!!) the over achieving smarty pants who graduated with the highest honors, but who also was kinda goofy. My little sister was Donny, the "perfect" one who everyone always paid attention to. Both the Stevens mom and my mom are politically active and both the Stevens dad and my dad have weird hobbies!
Anyway, besides
at I kinda look like
Shia LeBeouf. TWICE I have gotten asked if I was
Shia LeBeouf--once in line at Universal Studios, and once at a public school where I tutored and some kid with a speech impediment asked me if I was on "Eben
Stebens" and if I played, "Louis
Stebens." I guess the fact that we both have the
Jewiest hair helps.
I also can be
wisecraking/goofy/nervous/cool/physically fit, cant I? CANT I?
Oh well. I'll guess I'll just have to keep heeding my mom's advice and and "be the best ETHAN I can be." It wont enable me to make out with Megan Fox, but at least I am in KARL
Improv (woo woo).
In other news--Katy Perry has a hit song in "I Kissed A Girl." Most people like it and find it at least a tiny bit titillating. Now imagine if the song changed genders and became--"I Kissed a Boy." That song would NOT make it on mainstream radio. It might be hilarious, BUT no one would bop their heads to it in the car or sing it drunkenly at parties. In fact, I think that given the homophobia in American society, most men would find themselves uncomfortable listening to the song. And if any man did find himself humming it in the middle of the day, you can bet that at least 4 people will go up to him and barrage him with gay slurs such as "dude, you're so gay" or "dude, I cant believe you're humming that song, that's so gay!" or "Wow dude, you know how I know you're gay?" Anyway--its just a peculiar double standard. Think about it.
Until Tomorrow---
See, Ethan? This is what I'm talking about. Now we're getting to the important issues...
Personally, I think a steady role (5+ years) in a basic cable (not the fancy extra stuff like HBO) program is the kiss of death for any actor/ actress' career. Only a very precious few have ever managed to break out from the shadow of their characters. This just goes to show what a talented and motivated person Shia LeBeouf is. I totally agree, I think he's a fantastic actor (Disturbia and Transformers were GREAT), and I think he'll continue to have a great Hollywood career if he keeps making the smart decisions that have gotten him to where he is today.
BTDubs, if you're the nudnik Louis Stevens, then I'm definitely the wacky neighbor/ bacon enthusiast Beans. The kid was off the sheezy.
Finally, I want to wrap up this response by saying you're a WONDERFUL Ethan and that KARL is better than making out with Megan Fox. Yeah, I SAID IT. Also, very insightful with the whole homophobia thing.
"Is that Wallay in the theater?" - Ted Bressman, upon hearing a baby shout "babababababa" during a screening of Pixar's Wall-E.
Wild Willis- I originally meant for it to appear that I too believe that KARL Improv is better than making out with Megan Fox, so I changed the wording to express that. But I do have to say that my dick disagrees with me.
Maven- Cheddar + Disney Animation= at least one funny/uncomfortable moment
I can't respect Disturbia simply because I love Rear Window so much. I know it makes me petty and small-minded, but I'm sorry. Watching the Disturbia trailer and hearing people go gaga over how good the premise sounded made me sick. Rear Window is one of the scariest and most thrilling movies ever made.
Look y'all. That Shia motherfucker pisses me off, only because he slew megan fox. fuck Michael Bay.
I also, as a kid, wanted so desperately to punch that 7th Heaven kid becuase, if I recall, he had a fucking bowl cult. Any kid with a bull cut will illicit in me this overwhelming rage that leads me to clench my fists and raise my forearms subconsciously. That 'Bug' character did that too.
Ethan, you should have said more about how ridiculous it is to be named Bug. Also, how ridiculous it is to even have a career if you don't pull some smart "Oh that was my nickname my real names is Barry" trickery on a bunch of E! interviews followed by staring in a movie where you slay Megan "How come my boobs are bigger in the Transformers movie than in real life" Fox.
My thoughts: Transformers = Shia peaking. Eagle Eye, mark my words, will only be mildly successful. People are gonna burn out on him. Jude Law is fucking done making movies after he was in every single one released between 2004-2006.
-John Ganiard
Wow John. Harsh words. Maybe in the future I will rant some more about Bug Hall's name, but maybe in the future, you should start drinking tea or something. You seem a little tense.
I agree with you about Jude Law, that overexposure was terrible for his career.
I disagree with you about Shia's longevity. I think he's a good actor and he will only improve with age. And Steven Spielberg agrees with me. And he's always right.
I do appreciate all your comments John! Keep commenting! I love it!
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