Who knows--this movie may surprise me and do really well. And if it does...well America is dumber than I thought.
Speaking of movies that surprised everyone and did well, this weekend, the number 4 movie in America that made $6.51 million was "Fireproof." Have you heard of it? I have. You know who stars in it? Take a wild guess---nope its not Carrot Top. Nope---not Fred Savage, but you're getting closer. Nope! Not Leo Dicaprio, but you're soooo close! IT'S KIRK CAMERON! FROM GROWING PAINS!

Let me preface the following pieces of information by saying---I LOVE GROWING PAINS. I watched it every day as a kid, my sister and I memorized the theme song and u

Anyway-in Fireproof, Kirk plays a fireman who's having marital problems, but with Jesus Christ's help, he gets back on track. In case you didnt know, Kirk is now a Christian Fundamentalist evangelist and currently a partner in the evangelical Christian ministry The Way of the Master. I havent seen him much in anything lately except for late night Christian television where he goes up to people on the street and asks them to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and personal savior.

2 Interesting facts about Kirk Cameron:
1. He has 10 kids (6 natural and 4 adopted). with his wife Chelsea Noble (who played his girlfriend Kate on Growing Pains and in "You Lucky Dog").
2. There is a kissing scene in his new movie, but because he had "made a commitment not to kiss any other woman" they brought his wife Chelsea to the set. And "had her wear the dress my character's wife wore. They shot the scene in silhouette, so when I kiss my wife, I'm actually kissing my wife and honoring our marriage."
Wow. Kirk is really intense. But why is it ok to act like someone else is your wife, but its not ok to kiss them? Whatever--let him do what he wants. Hey--if Brad Pitt hadnt kissed Angelina Jolie for Mr and Mrs Smith, maybe Brennifer Anistpitt would still be a couple today...
It's just interesting that after 3 Christian themed action movies ("Left Behind" and its sequels) suddenly this movie heats up (ba dump che!) and actually makes money at the box office.
I guess one should never underestimate the Christian fan base that made The Passion of the Christ $300 million, The Chronicles of Narnia- $300 million and every Tyler Perry movie a hit.
In conclusion--I guess when you have Jesus on your side, anything is possible! And in double conclusion-- Kirk really "showed AMERICA his smile again."
Until Tomorrow--
I recently read an article somewhere, I think EW, about how a bunch of Hollywood execs wish they had that damn Chihuahua movie on their fall slate. Its about a Beverly Hills pampered dog who gets stranded in Mexico-- your basic fish, er, dog out of water story. When I saw the trailer before Wall-E, I nearly pulled a Freddy Rumson and pissed my pants I was laughing so hard.
As for the Christian movie, check out Nikki Finke:
I don't need those fbook messages bro. I check this shit on the daily.
Exhibit A:
First, notice the goofy, "I'm a normal kinda guy" smile. Almost as offputting as it is smarmy and distasteful.
Second, the title of his book is "Still Growing." Biggest cop-out title ever. The book is basically... Oh wait, I get it. "Still Growing," "Growing Pains"... Okay, you win this one, Kirk.
Anyways, direct your attention, please, to his front shirt pocket. Stuffed with a wad of bills, eh? Yea yea, Fancy Pants Cameron, I guess we can assume that you're doing pretty well for yourself... But wait! These aren't normal currency, but 1,000,000 dollar bills! Does Kirk Cameron regularly walk around with inexorbitant amounts of funny money in his pockets? Why??? Kirk, you're a regular enigma wrapped in a riddle...
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