I was watching Harry Pott

er and the Order of the Phoenix on TV the other day and it occurred to me: there are hundreds of thousands of children in the world who read the books and see the movies thinking, "I wanna be Harry Potter! He's so brave!" "I want to be Ron Weasley, or George or Fred! (well maybe not Fred...)" "I want to be Hermione! She's smart and beautiful and she kicks ass!"
These children are stupid! Why would you want to be Harry Potter! Why would you want to have the baggage of the entire wizarding universe on your shoulders? Why would you want to constantly be afraid that everyone you know is going to die? Why would you want a direct connection to the dark lord? And for that matter, why would you want to be Ron or Hermione, or anyone remotely connected to Harry Potter?! Why would you want to constantly be afraid that because you're friends with the boy who lived, the most powerfully evil wizard to ever walk the Earth us going to KILL YOU? Why would you want all of that resting on your shoulders as a 15 year old? It doesnt make sense.
You know who I want to be? A wizard kid. Thats it. Like Dean Thomas who does color commentary (no pun intended)

for the Quidditch games. Or one of those kids on the left. I want to be just a normal kid who happens to be a wizard, and goes to Hogwarts and does cool magic. I want my biggest worry to be about my O.W.L.S, not "HOW DO I SAVE THE ENTIRE WIZARDING COMMUNITY and DEFEAT THE MOST POWERFUL WIZARD OF ALL TIME with ONLY 6 YEARS OF PRACTICE?!" I want to be one of the wizard kids in the background, hanging out in the school yard while Harry and Hermione discuss how to break into the Ministry of Magic. I want to cry about Cedric Diggory, and then MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE. You know what I would do? I would stay the FUCK AWAY from Harry Potter! That's what I would do.
You might be saying: Yeah, but Harry and Ron and Hermione are the closest friends ever! Dont you want that kind of friendship?
Eh. I'm sure there are cool guys to hang out with at Hogwarts who dont carry around more baggage than

Paris Hilton's butler (the joke is that she has a lot of clothes which she has to carry in many suitcases). And the truth is, if I didnt have many friends in the wizarding world, I'm sure there are some Muggles who would want to get to know the kid who can conjure up charm spells that can make them look old enough to buy alcohol. And when its all said and done, JK implies that Harry works in the Ministry of Magic. If I really wanted to I could get a job there too! Only when I worked there, I wouldnt be haunted by memories of my parents, godfather, friends and teachers getting murdered. In conclusion, why be Harry when you can be Duncan Inglebee – Ravenclaw's Quidditch Beater whose most significant school memory was getting a hummer from Lisa Turpin in the Room of Requirement right after the Yule Ball in my 4th year. Oh yea, and I'd have my parents.
1- Remember a while ago I wrote about Tim Matheson and Rob Lowe being the sam

e person? Well this week on Entourage, Tim Matheson played a Hollywood Studio Exec. You know who played an agent--a similarly powerful Hollywood player? ROB LOWE in Thank You for Smoking! Give Rob 15 years and he too can be on Entourage playing an Exec.
Thats another funny thought---Entourage in 15 years! What's Turtle like in 15 years? How fat can that motherfucker get? He's probably still smoking weed. And Drama? What's that dude doing in his 50s? I have no idea. Not acting, thats for sure. Vince--it depends how gracefully he ages. He probably can still act--hopefully be more of a Richard Gere. TruthfullyI doubt it though. He's probably gone back to Mexico. Ari's probably an executive at this point, the stress being too much for an agent. The only one in the "crew" who's actually going to be still going strong--E.
2- I was in the bathroom today watching an episode of The Sarah Silverman Program on my iPod and guess who I saw? JON "DON DRAPER" HAMM! He was on for 6 seconds

playing a CABLE GUY installing cable for Sarah! He asks her for a kiss and she rejects it! Idiot!
I also just read an article about him that said that he grew up in ST LOUIS (right around Wash U woo woo!) and in college, besides acting all he was thinking about was getting hammered and laid. Wow Jon. You're awesome. It also said he used to work on soft core porn sets doing set dressing.
Wow Jon. Not so awesome.
Until Tomorrow---
You'll notice in the most recent episode of Mad Men, Glen told Betty that he does not like "ham, or any kind of meat."
Get it? Glen does not like "Hamm." Har har. Maybe that's why they almost fucked on the couch*.
Nice Harry Potter stuff. I too always aspired to be one of Hogwart's merely average kids without Messianic responsibilities. I get a headache when I get too many e-mails at once -- I don't want to know what it's like to be fucking Harry "I Decide the Course of Humanity" Potter. I mean, fuckin' a.
*Luckily Sally and Bobby came home earlier than expected.
P.S. I continue to act like DD at parties but stop short of the finger-rape / "Do as I say" part.
But that would be so baller.
Ethan, you coward! Some people would rather have a life of danger, excitement and great responsibility than an average existence. Wanting to be like Harry Potter is like wanting to be a super hero, and how many of us haven't wanted to be one of those? I'd rather have my life filled with worries that truly matter, like protecting my family and fighting evil, than worry over trivial things like exams or grocery shopping.
Imagine living in medieval times-- your whole existence was a life or death, day to day, full of excitement and possibility deal. Everyone was like Harry Potter!
I see your point Maven. But occasionally I wouldnt mind the day off that Harry Potter or Batman cant afford...you think Harry Potter has had one free moment to watch last week's Mad Men?
Your comment also brings me back to yesteryear...a time when knights jousted valiantly and people ate food with their hands...a time when I believe for your 10th birthday we all went to MEDIEVAL TIMES!!!
Ok, pop quiz. Would you rather be a wizard, or fuck this chick that looks like a wizard?
So essentially by saying that you don't want to be Mr. Potter, you are exclaiming that you are an underachiever and proud of it. Afraid of responsibility, are we?
Also, who brings their iPod with them to drop a deuce? Really...
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