Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 48- "Knight and Day" is One of the Stupidest Titles I've Ever Heard

Since it debuted last year after the season finale of American Idol, GLEE has become a cultural phenomenon. People seem to love the cast, the music (which is hitting the tops of the iTunes charts), the tone, the stories and all of that hullabullo. I myself must admit that I do indeed enjoy the show from time to time. (FALSE. I never miss an episode on Hulu.) But as much as I love the beautifully Semitic Lea Michele and outrageously hilarious Jane Lynch, I do have a few petty gripes about the show.

1. The actors who play Finn and Puck are 27 years old! The actor who plays the Will Schuester, the teacher, is 31! True, both "high schoolers" dont exactly look 27, but now that I know they are, it just is a bit weird for me. I wonder how old the actresses are...(Yea--the guy in the picture looks 16!)

2. Will Schuester tears up more than middle schoolers do at their last school dance. I feel like he cries in every episode! In the pilot he cries when he finds out his bitch wife is pregnant and when the kids sing "Dont Stop Believing." I think Will cries in episode 3, when he finds out his dad is going to law school. He cries in another episode when he sees the fake sonogram of his fake baby. He cries when his kids do nice things with wheelchairs. He cries when he finds out his wife has been lying to him, he cries when he realizes that the teacher he has a crush on is getting married, and he cries when he hears the kids sing at sectionals over the phone. He cries when he ties his shoes. He cries when he has to make a number 2. The dude is one big crying pussy. As my friend Joseph "loves to go mountain climbing in the terrorist infested Sinai Desert" Rosenberg says way too often, "MAN UP!" Stop crying all the time. It cheapens real emotional moments if he cries every damn time something happens to him!

3. Terri Schuester. Will's wife. She's just plain annoying. You hate her from the first episode and never realize why Will is still with her. Luckily, it seems as if she's out of the picture a bit more.

4. Everything Mercedes Jones says is cliched "sassy black woman" speak. For example:
"Oh, HELL to the naw! Look, I'm not down with this background singing nonsense! I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland."
"Why do we need to go all vanilla on this song? What we need is my chocolate thunder."

I feel like Mercedes' only defining characteristics are that she is sassy, and proud to be black. There was one episode where her character was given a bit more depth (the one where she wants to date Kurt), but that storyline was used more as a plot device to help Kurt come out. All I'm saying is, give the sistah* more to do and say!
*J.Wizzle, as the "Ehollywood Nonsense Race Expert, maybe you have more to say on the subject...?

5. I dont think Puck is a great actor, and there's too much baby mama drama. Hopefully that will all end soon.

THAT'S ENOUGH ABOUT GLEE. I'm going to switch gears now to do something I was thinking about today.

Here are some of my TV Best Ofs.

Best Sitcom of All Time- Seinfeld
- Perfect storytelling and timeless.

Best Animated Sitcom of All Time- The Simpsons
- Set the bar. And continued to raise it.

Funniest Show of All Time- Arrested Development
- Also the most brilliant.

Funniest Kids Show of All Time- Animaniacs!
- I've written about this before.

Weirdest Kids Show of All Time- Weinerville
- What isn't weird about giant heads in tiny bodies?

Best Show about Presidents of All Time- The West Wing
- The theme music seals the deal for me.

Best Show from Australia- Summer Heights High
- Puck you Miss!

Best Comedy Series That Only Lasted One Season- Stella
- Modern day Marx Brothers shorts

Best Drama Series Set in an Office- The West Wing
- I love me some Jedediah Bartlett

Best Comedy Series Set in an Office- The Office (UK)
- I have to choose this over the US version because it came first.

Best US Version of a British Comedy Series- The Office (US)
- There you go.

Biggest Impact of a Show With A Short Lifespan- The O.C.
- Think about it, it is responsible for Laguna Beach, all the Real Housewives Shows, Gossip Girl, and the entire ABC Family lineup. It reinvented or perhaps reinvigorated the prime time soap opera by involving hot, rich teenagers.

TV Show that Launched the Career of the Biggest Star- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- I was tempted to say E.R., but Up in the Air did not make $70 million opening weekend.

Best Series Taking Place in the 1960s- Mad Men
- Runner Up: The Brady Bunch

Best IMPROV TV Show- Whose Line is it Anyway?
- Half of America had never heard of improv until this show

Guy who felt the worst when another TV succeeded- Jamie Kennedy
- Seeing Punk'd become a cultural phenomenon, after his own hidden camera show, "The Jamie Kennedy Experiment" bombed, must have SUCKED.

Best Dan Schneider (look him up--he created all of Nickelodeon's shows and their spinoffs) Show- All That!

Best Sketch Comedy Show of All Time- SNL
- Name me another sketch comedy show that's lasted 35 years

Best TV Theme Song of Al Time- Growing Pains
- There are so many good ones, but for me, this one sticks.


Worst Game Show Involving Suitcases- Deal or No Deal
- SIDE BAR ANECDOTE. An episode of Deal or No Deal was on at the gym (YEA, I GO TO THE GYM! SO WHAT?) and it was a college edition. When I tuned in, the dude picking the suitcases had 4 left: $5, $10, $50, $50,000. He picks a case--it's the $50,0000 one. He's then given a deal for $25. He says no deal. He picks another case. It's the $50 one. He's given a deal now for $7.50!!! No deal! He picks another case! $10! So he's left with his own suitcase worth $5. It was the least amount of money I've ever seen anyone win on any game show ever! Hilarious!

Worst IMPROV TV Show- Wild N'Out
- Nick Cannon is to comedy what Mariah Carey is to comedy

Worst Premise for a TV Show- My Mother The Car
- The guy's mother was reincarnated as a talking car!

Worst Spinoff- Joanie Loves Chachi
- I love Joanie. I love Chachi. I dont like Joanie Loves Chachi.

Show that Most Definitely Was Racist- Homeboys from Outer Space
- This was a real show. It starred the guy from "One on One" (Flex Alexander). I think the NAACP staged an intervention.

Worst Lead Actress on a TV Show- Fran Drescher
- I dont want to talk about it.

Alright. I'm spent. I'm sure there are a lot more I could write about, but I'm tired and I want spaghetti. So...

Until Tomorrow---

PS. How do you pronounce Ke$ha's name?
PPS. Agree OR disagree with my bests/worsts? Comment!


jeff tracy said...

my only real problem with the list (aside from the fact that about 75% of the categories were created for the sole purpose of mentioning the show that followed) is that Sports Night was never mentioned

also, about glee---i agree with the mercedes comments, and i realized it all throughout the season. what i couldn't decide, though, is if they actually tried to make a good show, or if they just made a show as a vehicle for awesome music and strangely hot jewish girls (actually, lea michele is strangely hot, but quinn is just really hot (and yes, jewish!)).
i mean, really, the stories were never really all that good and mrs schuester is so abominable of a person and character that it's just painfully laughable. however, i don't care about the story, because i just like it when rachel serenades me

Ethan said...

you feel like she's singing just to you right!

you're right, some of those categories were created to mention the show that followed...but how else am I going to get Weinerville on any sort of list?

I think they were trying to make a good, fun, bubbly, kind of campy show, but once the music started taking off, it became a lot more about that. for instance, i heard cause the show makes so much money off of its music tracks, each episode, starting in april, will have double the songs!

Jeffrey said...

Let me tell an interesting fact that perfectly explains Glee.

Jeff Tracy (commenter number 1) and I both watch Glee and have since pretty much the beginning. We live in the same apartment, have a DVR, and pretty much watch TV incessantly, mostly with each other.

Not once have we watched an episode of Glee together.

Ethan said...

First off, I completely understand. This represents the classic case of male "homogleephobia." By watching the show by one's self it can be a guilty pleasure. By watching the show with a girl, you can say you're only watching it because the girl likes it, and because you want to get all up in that. By watching glee with another heterosexual male, you both are happily admitting that you love to watch cute girls and gorgeous men sing showtunes together. Seeing the smile on your friend's face, and then noticing that you are wearing the exact same smile, after watching perfectly choreographed said showtune, would not only cause both of you to feel uncomfortable, but it would also cause outer layers of friends to pepper you with jabs such as:
"You both watch Glee? Together?! Gay."

As renown psychoanalyst Michael Freedman says, "Its not gay unless you tell people you like it." Usually I think Mr. Freedman is full of shit, but for some reason in this case he has a point.

By watching Glee together, you are validating each other's arguably feminine tastes, and that can be a little unnerving.

Therefore, you allow yourselves to be swept away by the melodrama, music, dancing, and joy of Glee in the privacy of your own bedrooms, free from peer judgment and your own self consciousness.

Where you also have no witnesses.

-Sigmund Stern

Unknown said...

thank you for your tribute to glee. you think of everything! and the office and all that too!
--love you big bro!

Cararara said...

hahaha my family went to see marc weiner live AGES AGO and we used to watch the weinerville hannukah special every year(it was on the same vhs as lambchop's passover special). OHH MEMORIES

also, NEWSFLASH i too live in 6603 and watch glee.

Jessica Williams said...

apparently i posted this on the inappropriate day. swoops.

In order to fully address the debacle that is the Mercedes character on GLEE, I'm going to borrow from a friend's blogular analysis of the series:

"The A Story about Shue starting an acapella group was fun and the cameo by Josh Groban was brilliant, but the B Story about Mercedes falling for Kurt was...let's say not good.

First of all, this story made large leaps in characters. Kurt is extremely flamboyant and his behavior previously had indicated that he was open about his homosexuality. This was not the case. Also, Mercedes, being the strong, stereotypical wise diva that she is, still had no sense of gaydar. (This did lead to the best line in the episode - "This is a gay-vention. That's a gay intervention.") This leads Mercedes to bust the windows out of Kurt's car and then sing the song "Bust Your Windows" in a fantasy sequence. Don't worry, everything gets worked out by the end of the episode.

Before this point, no episode had established that song could be used in a fantasy. This, coupled with the inane and inconsistent characterizations, and the resolution of the imaginary love triangle of Kurt, Mercedes, and Rachel, marked the beginning of the end."

Mercedes is just a weak character. Period. Everything she wears is so "I'm urban and hip and in touch with 'black' style. Look at my Nike high tops!" These people are from Lima, Ohio. her wardrobe decisions are dubious at best. Look at the rest of the cast. And the rest of the school for that matter--they could've made the other black dude in the show choir hip too, but alas. All Mercedes really does is make sassy race-related comments and sing Jennifer Hudson stuff.

So, Ethan, while I can agree that the episode was meant to give Mercedes some depth, it really just made her look foolish and oblivious. I think we all thought it was blatantly obvious that Kurt was a) gay and b) out. What kind of sassy sistah doesn't know her gays?