Essentially, both movies begin the same. "Commando"

In the beginning of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (which will be hereafter be referred to as simply "Wolverine"), you learn that Wolverine was al

In "Commando," John's hideaway is found out by the military, and it is reveal

Similarly, in "Wolverine", Wolverine's hideaway is found by the military, and his former boss, General Stryker informs him that someone has been going around killing former member's of Wolverine's elite mutant team. It is Victor! Wolverine's brother and former super mutant elite squad team member!
In "Commando," John Matrix is coerced by Bennett (who has kidnapped his daughter) to reluctantly go through with a political assassination for a man called Arius (impeccably portrayed by the incomparable Dan Hedeya), a South American warlord formerly bested by Matrix who wishes to lead a military coup in his home country. Arius threatens John that he will have Jenny killed if he does not accept the demand. One last mission.
In "Wolverine," Victor kills Wolverine's sexy girlfriend, which coerces Wolverine to reluctantly accept Stryker's demand to find Victor and kill him. One last mission.
Rather than comply with Arius's demands, Matrix, who has cinematically been tra

During the adamantium procedure that is supposed to give Wolverine the power to

HAVE I CONVINCED YOU THAT THESE TWO ARE BASICALLY THE SAME MOVIE? If you are not convinced I suggest you rent Commando or watch it ondemand. It is truly one of the best films of the 1980s, and Arnold's muscles are so huge clothes dont even fit him. He has no choice BUT to be shirtless. The cheesy Ahnuld quips are also to die for. For example:
Matrix: Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?
Sully: That's right, Matrix. You did.
Matrix: I lied.
Cooke: You scared, motherfucker? Well, you should be, because this Green Beret is going to kick your big ass!
Matrix: I eat Green Berets for breakfast. And right now, I'm very hungry!

I couldn't leave out:
Matrix: [after killing a man in the plane] Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired.
Alright that's enough.......Anyway you get the picture. Arnold is the best action star of all time and this movie---ALRIGHT ONE MORE!
Gen. Kirby: Leave anything for us?
Matrix: Just bodies.
This movie was so funny, that it also inspired Wild Willi$ and I to create an improv game. It is called COMMANDO. The game is, you are given the name of an object and you have to think of a funny quip Ahnuld would say after killing somone with that object. For example--Clock.
"Your time is up."
"Time to die."
"What time is it? It doesnt matter...YOU'RE DEAD!"
You get the picture. Anyway this movie is far better than Wolverine. In any sort of art duplication or replication, something is lost in the process, and the duplicate can never truly be as good as the original. Hence the reason why remakes and spin offs arent typically that good. GO SEE COMMANDO.
Finally, I was just watching "The Insider" (a 1999 movie about a tobacco company whistle blower (Russell Crowe) who tried to reveal top secret information about nicotine and cigarettes, and the 60 Minutes p

Until Tomorrow--
Firstly, I can't believe you actually saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Secondly, Avatar was AMAZING!!!! Honestly, I don't know if I've ever wanted to see a movie twice before, but I had no qualms shelling out 15 more bones for a second imax showing. So, needless to say, I feel the title of this post warrants some explanation.
I LOVED Avatar! I thought it was awesome! I would totally see it again too!
I also knew you would love it too Erock. You love technology.
The title of the post was just a play on words. No vileness intended.
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