In regular voice: You know what that means? JOKES!
Anne should have remembered: A B C. A always. B be. C closing. Always be cl

I cant wait to see Joe Mantegna and Bill Macy nail their performances as Papa and Mama Frank respectfully.
Even RICKY JAY'S MAGIC couldnt help the Frank family disappear!
Maybe Tarantino will have a directing cameo where the Franks get their revenge by going ape-shit all over the Nazis!
In this cameo Ch

Maybe Jeremy Piven will sign on to this movie and then quit because his part doesnt involve him yelling into a phone. And he has mercury poisoning.
Sample Mamet Anne Frank dialogue:
Otto (sees Anne looking out the window): ANNE! What-
Anne: What?
Otto: Why are you-
Anne: Looking out the window?
Otto: Yes. Why are you looking out the window?
Anne: Because I was-
Otto: You were--
Anne: Bored. Thats it. Bored
Otto: Bored you say?
Anne: Thats what I said didnt I?
Otto: You were just so fucking bored.
Anne: Well I'm in a fucking attic doing nothing but fucking brushing my hair all day and night.
Otto: Well I'm sorry that hiding from Nazis didnt make it into your fucking daytimer!!
ALSO in the news: Michael Douglas' son Cameron again. 2 weeks ago he was arrested for attempting to smuggle crystal meth from New York to LA. He was released on bail, but confined to his moth

I dont know if I have anything hilarious to say about this other than its ironic that his dad was in TRAFFIC playing the head of the President's Office of National Drug Control. In the film, unbeknownst to him, his daughter is a huge coke addict. I guess this is yet another example of life imitating art....
LASTLY, some recommendations:
WATCH- Michael a

LISTEN (to) the COMEDY DEATH RAY RADIO PODCAST on iTunes. For free. It's an hour long comedy show with guests like Andy Samberg, Zach Galifinakis, Aziz Ansari, Jon Hamm, Rob Huebel, Nick Kroll, Paul Scheer, Weird Al and more. Its basically comedians joking around, doing characters, and making fun of Entourage. Which by the way....ABSOLUTELY SUCKS this season. It insults me.
EAT- Food. If you dont, you're going to die.

Until Tomorrow---
A couple things:
1. Attics don't have windows, you big dummy!!!
2. Mamet will/ would be proud.
3. That's a very attractive blue dress your Mad Men character is wearing.
i'm sorry i posted that last one as Alex. don't know what came over me
I was going to say that you sure look a lot like Joan but Alex (Willis) beat me to the punch. Mad Men on Sunday!
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