I've mentioned before what ridiculous it is when certain things are considered "news" on imdb. Well, these two take the cake:
Penn Fooled By Spider-man Star's Fake Penis
Movie sta
r Sean Penn felt sure his onscreen gay lover in new biopic Milk was a big boy - because James Franco wore a prosthetic penis for naked scenes.
Funny? Yes. News? NO!

Funny? Yes. News? NO!
Sutherland's Prison Soap Fear
Actor Kiefer Sutherland went without soap during his jail stint last Christmas - after dropping the bar in the communal showers.

Sutherland has now broken his silence about his time behind bars, joking, "I dropped the soap!"
He continues: "I actually dropped the soap. I remember looking down at it and then I looked around and thought: 'Soap is over-rated... I'm done with this shower!'"
This is just sacrilegious. Jack Bauer does not and will not ever drop the soap. Not now. Not ever. You know why? Because he's too busy beating down terrorists who are living next door to me and are trying to kill me, my family, and our entire way of life.
But lets be hypothetical here for a moment. If Jack Bauer was in prison, it would be because he went undercover. If he went into a shower and really dropped the soap, it would be on purpose. When the imprisoned terrorist that Jack had be assigned to shadow, came to butt fuck him, Jack would quickly turn around, grab the terrorists's dick, throw up a knife that he had swallowed earlier, and then with the fat terrorist dick in his right hand and the knife in his left, threaten to chop off that fucking terrorist's dick unless the terrorist told him where the detonater was. That is what would happen if Jack Bauer was in a prison shower.
They once named a street in Los Angeles after Jack Bauer but they had to close it down because people kept dying. No one crosses Jack Bauer and lives.

WATCH THE SHOW "MAD MEN." I am just finishing the first season and it is unbelievable. The writing is brilliant, the plots are fascinating, the acting is superb (Jon Hamm is getting an Emmy for best actor) and the sex is well...sexy. Plus, the show, which takes place in 1960, is factually accurate and therefore even more interesting. Also, because it is the 60s, in every scene, at least two characters are drinking and/or smoking, occassionaly in front of children. What's more to like? Oh, and it has, besides "The Office," the best theme music and the coolest titles sequence on television
If you like the show "Weeds" or you are into graphic television sex, watch last week's episode (Ep. 8) if only for two of the most graphic sex scenes I've ever seen on television. I dont know how old Mary Louise Parker is, but she is scorchingly hot...and naked. And the Milf that Silas (the least interesting character on the show) is doing is....well lets just say if she was the president of the PTA, I would come to every single meeting on time. Or if she were baking a cake, I would want to be the spoon that she sticks into her vagina.
Lastly, I'm taking a poll. Are Joan Allen and Diane La
ne the same actress? Or is Joan
Allen closer to Laura Linney? All 3 of these actresses have played secret government employees (Joan Allen- Bourne Idenitiy, Diane Lane- Untraceable, Laura Linney- Breach) They all could play moms over 40 who are sexually frustrated. (Joan Allen-Pleasantville, The Upside of Anger, Diane Lane-Unfaithful, Laura Linney- The Squid and the Whale). But Diane Lane does more romances (Must Love Dogs, Under the Tuscan Sun) while Joan Allen does more random stuff (Death Race and
The Notebook?) and Laura Linney does serious character pieces (The Savages, John Adams). Yet, when I think of these actresses, I put them in the same category. Maybe Diane Lane, because she is the hottest, does more commercial fare, while Laura Linney takes all the real good work (minus of course, "Man of the Year") and Joan Allen is the most manly and takes what she can get.
What do you think? Any other actresses who fit in this category?
Until Tomorrow--

WATCH THE SHOW "MAD MEN." I am just finishing the first season and it is unbelievable. The writing is brilliant, the plots are fascinating, the acting is superb (Jon Hamm is getting an Emmy for best actor) and the sex is well...sexy. Plus, the show, which takes place in 1960, is factually accurate and therefore even more interesting. Also, because it is the 60s, in every scene, at least two characters are drinking and/or smoking, occassionaly in front of children. What's more to like? Oh, and it has, besides "The Office," the best theme music and the coolest titles sequence on television

Lastly, I'm taking a poll. Are Joan Allen and Diane La

What do you think? Any other actresses who fit in this category?
Until Tomorrow--
Two questions:
1. Who the FUCK does Sean Penn think he is? Does he honestly think he's interesting enough that people want to hear his thoughts on James Franco's dick?
2. Is the gold-winning Rena single?
Update this shit ethan, no more excuses. Also Mad Men is sweet.
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