By the way, this is a great article about the different paths that John C. Reilly and Phillip Seymour Hoffman took:
It also will be more like "Sister Sister" or "Twins" than "Step Brothers" because in my film, the two people will find out that they're actually brothers.
I want it to star Gary Busey and Nick Nolte (two actors who are pretty much the sa
me; so much so that when you google "Gary Busey mug shot" the first 10 images are all pictures of Nick Nolte's mug shot). Gary Busey would "play" a homeless Vietnam war veteran who lives on a mattress in an alleyway behind a tittie bar and has constant delusions of when he watched his entire platoon die from an STD outbreak caused by some Vietnamese transvestite hookers. Nick Nolte would "play" another homeless Vietnam war veteran who lives in a dumpster behind an elementary school where he is constantly hassling the children to help him inject the "heroin" he buys from the school janitor with the "money" he gets from going to the "sperm bank" every Thursday. Of course since Nick Nolte's character is crazy, he really actually hassles children to help him inject the "apple juice" he buys from the school janitor with the "aluminum cans" he gets from going to the "the same corner tree he jacks off on at the Gregory Hines Memorial Park" every Thursday.

It turned out that their parents had split up when they were little, and each took a son. But the parents felt so bad that they kept their children apart that they sent the two boys to the same summer camp every summer in the hopes that they would meet and become friends. However, the boys kept getting kicked out of their summer camp before they could meet. Shown in a flashback montage series we will see on the first year, a young Gary Busey getting kicked out of camp on the 3rd day for throwing his own feces at a girl counselor. Then a year later, on the 2nd day we see we a young Nick Nolte getting kicked out for dropping a water balloon filled with his own pubes on an entire bunk going on a "blindfolded trust walk." Then we see both of them in a split screen getting kicked out the same year on the first day for slapping their dicks on the faces of different members of the kitchen staff.
Then, after they leave the hospital, they pool their money together ($15.30--the $15 they got from pawning their purple hearts, and the .30 cents they got from stealing from a blind musician's tin cup) and head on a road trip to discover their roots and themselves.
I have a lot more ideas about this movie going through my head (Their disgraceful and horrifying interruption of a Civil War reenactment will definitely be funny) but I will share them with you another time. By the way, if anyone takes any of my ideas and steals them for their own purposes I will fucking kill you.
1. Common-

2. Kurt Fuller- you of course do not recognize the name. But you will recognize the face. This dude was in Wayne's World as Rob Lowe's weenie assistant who helps the guys save the day, a billion TV show guest appearanc

Until Tomorrow--
I enjoy your blog. And From this day on, count me as a subscriber.
thanks man! tell your friends!
ps. i enjoy your blogs too!
LOL I actually thought Nick Nolte was Gary Busey for the longest time... But like his (slightly) more disgruntled doppelganger. "Bizarros," as I like to call them, are a very real and tangible threat. Hide your children.
Your pitch for the movie sounds great! I'd love to see some Twins cameos, like Danny Devito as one of the children that Nolte harasses, and Arnold as one of Busey's old platoon buddies (in a flashback, of course. It's funny on several levels: 1. He's Arnold, 2. He played a twin in Twins, and 3. He played a jungle warrior in Predator.). Speaking of which, I've got a great pitch for a remake of Junior, with Danny Devito as the baby. Ask me about it sometime.
As for the cool people you saw, Common is no doubt a cool person. Kurt Fuller, on the other hand, is maybe pushing the viable usage of the word "cool." He's definitely a nice person that you saw, no doubt.
I think my favorite kurt fuller is when he plays the mayor's campaign manager in Ghostbusters II.... and thanks for the nick nolte and gary busey.... how long ago did i mention that???
but truly inspired movie, ethan... I especially enjoy the balloon filled with pubes and the idea of a Civil War reenactment being interrupted. Maybe you should think about the vehicle they would take on their roadtrip... i'm thinking school bus that nick/gary stole from elementary school parking lot where he used to live...
more like I spotted Yair and then you claimed the discovery as your own on this blog.
ouch. i said i saw him, which was true. i didnt say I found him first and no one else did. so there.
I actually cried from laughter while reading this. Yay Ethan!
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