1- TRON: Legacy--The action looks cool, but the main actor, newcomer Garrett Hedlund, seems like a bad actor.
2- DUE DATE: Starring my two favorite people, Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifinakis (a match made in heaven), this movie promises to be funny. It is also directed by Todd Phillips, who did Old School and The Hangover. It seems like a dog with a cone around its head has replaced "Carlos" as Zach Galifinakis' funny accessory.
3- THE TOWN- Good news: A cool, gritty, bank robbing heist drama. Bad News: Directed by Ben Affleck. Good New

I really enjoyed Inception. I was never bored. I was amazed by the visuals. The acting was great. It was super fun. It made me use my brain. Having said all that, to me Inception was a movie that could have been written by some seriously drug-induced college film majors who had been up way too late doing drugs.
Bro: Dude--you know how sometimes you have some weird fucking

Guy: Yea dude totally.
(Bro takes massive bong rip)
Bro: So like, last night I dreamed I was like dreaming....but like I woke up. And I was like---but THIS isn't my room! Cause it was liked filled with sharks. And then I really woke up.
Guy: Dude that's intense.
Bro: I know dude! THERE WERE FUCKING SHARKS IN MY ROOM! Like there was one on the futon.
Guy: I like, can never remember my dreams.
Bro: That's the way it works Brosario Dawson.
Guy: WAIT! Dude--you know how I have to write like 15 pages of the screenplay for Wednesday.
Bro: That's today.
Guy: Well...fuck.
Bro: What were you gonna say though?
Guy: Well like what I wrote a movie about like my dreams.
Bro: Like the shark on your futon
Guy: Well not---
Bro: Cause they already did that with Shark Tale.
Guy: No, its not
Bro: That movie was HILARIOUS! Cuz like Will Smith was a fish---
Guy: Stop.
Bro: And like Angelina Jolie was a fish--and I'd never gotten a boner around sea life before--
Guy: STOP!
Bro: What?
Guy: I wanna tell you about this movie!
Bro: (pause) What movie?
Guy: So this movie--theres a guy, and he likes goes INSIDE DREAMS!
(Bro does a line of coccaine)
Bro: And he fucking TAKES THAT DREAM!
Guy: What?
Bro: FUCKING JUST SNATCHES IT! Like a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie!
(Bro suddenly swivels his head around jarringly. Rushes to the pantry. Takes out a bag of Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip cookies. Looks around)
(Pause. Then looks straight over at refrigerator. Rushes over. Opens it and takes out a jar of peanut butter. Smiles. Takes a cookie. Opens the jar and jams cookie as hard as he can into the peanut butter. Takes a bite.)
(Goes and sits back down next to Guy)
So then he like has to replace the dream with something else! Like another dream!
(Guy does a line of coke)
Guy: These dudes go around stealing dreams from people's minds!
Bro: And then one time they go deeper! Like a two-layered dream!
Guy: Like mine!
Bro: WAIT!
Guy: What?
Bro: WAIT!
Guy: (pause) What?
Bro: Am I real?
Guy: Dude.
Bro: Don't mess with me now.
Guy: Dude you're real.
Bro: Touch my ear.
Guy: Dude why are you bugging out?
Guy: You're robotripping?
Bro: Yea dude, we're robotripping remember?
Guy: NO! Wait....what?
Bro: Look!
(Bro points to an empty jar of Robitussin on the coffee table)
Guy: Dude when did we decide to robotrip?
Bro: I don't know....Monday.
Guy: What day is it today?
(Bro looks at the Peanuts clock on the wall)
Bro: I don't know! WAIT! (pause) It's 2:15.
Guy: We started watching TV at like 11.
Bro: That's when we must have started tripping
Guy: I feel like I've been high for 96 hours!
Bro: Wait. Family Guy is on at 1.
Guy: Right. (pause)
Bro: Is this real life?
Guy: We couldn't have been tripping for 96 hours cause I had lunch this afternoon and I wasn't robotripping.
Bro: Each minute feels like 4.
Bro: What!
Guy: Kick my chair! I can't get out of it!
Bro: Are those stairs going up or down?
Guy: How much does this pen weigh? It feels different from before!
(In the corner, a young man named Chris Nolan is laughing and typing furiously at his type writer.)
Warner Exec (putting down a script): This isn't bad Chris, it's seems were on something when you wrote it.
Chris Nolan: I'm sorry, how much did The Dark Knight make?
Warner Exec: Inception is green lit. Here's 150 million dollars.
Those are my thoughts. Like I said before, I thought it was a really cool movie. It just seemed like the plot was actually very simple: Guy has to convince other guy of something so he can get what he wants. But it was made super complicated just for the fun of it. And they added explosions and stuff cause--why not? Everyone loves explosions! But it was well-acted, and Juno was good.
Until Tomorrow--
wanna see dinner for schmucks with me??
Haha I had the same thoughts as you about "The Town." I love how it was a trailer that gave away like 7/8ths of the movie (Ben Affleck was one of the robbers! And now he has to choose!), but what completely made me crack up was the last part of the trailer where Don Draper is interviewing Affleck and he says "I'll be seeing you again..." and Ben responds, full of gravitas, "Yes you will. On this side or the other..." And then the trailer ends! What a cheesy line. I guess it just bothered me. I liked Inception though and agree that its really not very confusing.
Gimme a day and time Cara!
The Town really seems like a silly freakin movie. I forgot to mention, but I also enjoyed the gratuitous shot of Ben Affleck doing chin-ups in his room.
Though I haven't seen the trailer for that affleck movie, hid directing it should not be an automatic dq to it's being good (he directed gone baby gone which was a fantastic movie). Also, Garrett hedlund isn't quite a newcomer (he was Tim mcgraws son in Friday night lights movie).
Lastly, inception was definitely awesome and I really like the theory Hoffman pointed me to about the entire movie being a dream and an allegory for nolans movie-making (a la 8 1/2)
Thanks for the new post. It'd been too long!
#1- CARA, i would like to see dinner for schmucks with you.
#2- that was hilarious!!! to think i was sitting next to you in the movie while you had all those deep thoughts!! loved the short screenplay!
Good point tracy--gone, baby gone was supposedly really good. The thing about that movie is that Ben wasn't IN IT. So while his directing maybe good, I wonder how good he'll be at directing himself.
I refuse to believe that the entire movie is one big dream--that seems to me to be some kind of cop out--OHHH it was all a dream! AHHH! I thought of the last shot as more of a fun tease at the end. Like--wait for it...wait for it....HA!
As to an allegory for his filmmaking--i'd like to hear more about that...
The aforementioned Inception dream theory. Lemme know what you think.
I want to clarify something: I really enjoyed Inception. I'm thrilled it got made. I love that I think about it a lot. I love that lots of people think about it. This post was not trying to be sarcastic or sardonic. It was meant to just have a silly take on the film.
If you haven't already: GO SEE INCEPTION!
Dude, Shark Tale was like REALLY funny!
I'd also like to point out that your (hilarious) sketch has no real point of reference, so the entire thing could be a dream. Probably the cookie's dream at that. Within Christopher Nolan's dream. Within the peanut butter's dream. (It was probably one of those dreams.)
Great post, buddy! Keep 'em coming!
Also, if you're reading this: we love you, Bug! I think we're all ready for your comeback!
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