1st snippet: Have you heard of that movie The Dark Knight? It came out last summer. It was about a bat. Anyway, do you remember that actress who plays Commissioner Gordon's w

Cass Lake: You see, I think she's my sister.
Ryan Harrison: Sister?
Cass Lake: It's like a brother, only you do each other's hair.
There are other funny lines in this movie, such as
Ryan Harrison: Don't move. I've got a gun. Not here, but I got one.
also: Ryan Harrison: [to Sean] Right? Signal "yes" by shooting yourself in the head three times.
Lauren: Don't, it's a trick!
And I got one more for you just for kicks:
Ryan Harrison: Your dog sure has a surprised look on his face.
Lauren: That's because you're looking at his butt.
Ryan Harrison: Uh, then he's certainly not going to enjoy that treat I just fed to him.
I usually dont quote that much on the blog, but this movie is actually pretty funny, and I just read all of those and each one made me laugh out loud. BOY! It actually felt good writing that entire phrase out. Laugh out loud. You should try it some time.
Anyway, not only was this actress in both these movies, but she also played a pivotal role in one of my favorite shows on teleivison-- MAD MEN! I know there are only some readers who actually watch the show (<5) but I'm going to write about it anyway to get you all to get in the game!
She played Bobbie Barrett! The last woman Don Draper had an affair with and then one who I wrote about a while back. She was the one he FISTED in the back of a restaurant!
Thats all I will write about that. I dont want to spoil anything for those of you (all of you) who havent watched Mad Men yet.
Anyway--impressive lady. Impressive body of work. Impressive crying in Dark Knight (I have now seen that movie 6 times btw, and I cant wait to watch it again.) Oh. And the actress's name is Melinda McGraw.*

The stars of Harry Potter are getting a makeover from the team behind Brad Pitt's transformation for The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button - they're set to be digitally aged for the final movie.
They are going to use the same technology as they did in Benjamin Button to make the three stars of HP look older for the epilogue scene in the HP7P2. (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. They are splitting the last book into 2 movies to make more money). This means they'll probably use different actors' bodies and superimpose new digital faces of the original adorable threesome.
PS. If you could have a threesome with any "trio" of famous characters (must include at least one member of your same sex), w

1. Harry, Ron and Hermione
2. Lizzie McGuire, Miranda and Gordo
3. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia
(illegal 4th option): Any 3 of the members of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
(illegal and disturbing 5th option): Sonic, Tails and Knuckles
I guess this new Benjamin Button tech shit is cool. I just hope they dont make HP7P2 8 hours long.
This turned into a much longer post than I expected. Oh well. Better for you all.
Until Tomorrow---
*I did it. I spoke about The Dark Knight without mentioning Heath Ledger. Oh wait...shit.
Speaking of Barretts, we watched Mulholland Drive in my film class and Jimmy Barrett was in it as a guy with a crazy dream that gets attacked by some sort of hobo. Also he's now in LOST as some Dharma Initiative guy. In both things I kept waiting for him to hit on attractive women with conflicted husbands but it never happened...When we talked about him in flim class everyone was calling him "eyebrows."
I don't think the Sonic crew would be illegal, actually, because your only stipulation was that there had to be at least one of your same gender, and they're all dudes. Also, I love animals.
(P.S. Did I tell you that I got an internship at the STL Zoo?)
Anyways, if we're sticking to the "at least one member of each sex" rules, my line-up would look a little something like this:
1. Watson, Crick, and a strand of DNA (Does it count if it's a girl's DNA?)
2. Churchill, Stalin, and (Eleanor) Roosevelt (RRRRowr)
3. Blink 182 (Tom DeLong is def. the chick)
4. Sam Houston, Davey Crockett, and James Bowie (I've actually got nothing for this one...)
5. Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, and David Schwimmer (He presents the least threat)
and finally...
7. Any three of the titular heroes of Air Bud: World Pup (DON'T JUDGE ME!!!)
Miss you buddy! Keep up the good work!
Jimmy Barrett. What a man. He also had a small part in the underrated Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy. He didnt talk fast or drink scotch in that movie either. Or hit on attractive women with conflicted husbands! Afraid to get typecast Jimmy? Stick with what you're good at.
I was going to put down the 3 Friends chicks, but then i came up with the same gender corollary and i couldnt decide which dude I would choose. after some thought...its joey.
Its so funny you mentioned you love animals Willis because today, I was just telling my friend TONIGHT about how I have this friend, Willis who LOVES animals. Weird.
utz are better than nuts
what am i, a squirrel?
am i crazy? i don't think so
just try sticking your face in a can of nuts
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